Watemaker - Desalinators for Boats and Yachts

A watermaker is a desalination system for boats and yachts to convert seawater into fresh, drinkable water using reverse osmosis.

There are two main types: conventional watermakers, which use high-pressure pumps, and those with a Clark pump, an energy recovery system that reuses pressure from brine making them more energy efficient.

We offer both types to meet your needs.

Ocean-Spring Watermakers

  • Conventional & modular Watermakers with High-Pressure pump made from SS316 and ceramic plungers
  • Robust, easy to understand & maintain
  • No electronics  – Simple and rugged system for trouble free operation.
  • Available in DC 12 / 24 / 48 V or AC 230V 50HZ
  • Outputs from 60 – 200 l/h
  • Energy consumption from 660 – 1800W
  • Customizable 

Clark-Pump Watermaker from Aqua-Nautica

  • Energy efficient and self regulating thanks to clark pump design
  • Silent operation using a rotary pump
  • Available in DC 12 / 24 V
  • Very simple installation and operation
  • Outputs from 30 – 110 l/h
Watermaker Aqua-Nautica Clark-Pump

Not sure which to choose?

Our general guidance is to go with a conventional watermaker if you have enough energy to spare for it – and it can be less than you might think – Check our article here.

Conventional watermakers tend to be more robust and easier to repair.

For a detailed consultation about which product and size is the right for you please contact us using our contact form!